Mental Toughness: How mentally tough are you?

Mental Toughness- How mentally tough are you?.jpeg

Have you ever wondered what it is about some people that makes them able to succeed, no matter what is thrown at them? The answer, Mental toughness

Mental toughness is the ability to consistently perform well despite pressure, stress and challenges that might get in your way. It is about being resilient and bouncing back after setbacks as well as being able to spot opportunities and take them. It is the mindset that allows you to perform at your best no matter how difficult the situation might be.

The best part about mental toughness? You can develop and build it with practice. Let’s look at what mental toughness involves.

The 4 C’s of Mental Toughness

  • Commitment

Commitment is about being able to stick things out even when there are problems and barriers in the way of you completing your goal.

  • Challenge

Challenge is about seeking new ways that you can better yourself. When a challenge arises a mentally tough person can see it as an opportunity rather than a threat.

  • Control

This is about feeling in control of your life and your circumstances. A crucial part of this is not letting your emotions take over and being able to control difficult feelings such as anxiety and stress when they arise.

  • Confidence

Confidence is about both being confident in your own abilities as well as presenting yourself as confident in social situations.

Why is Mental Toughness Important?

Practicing mental toughness improves your wellbeing. Research has demonstrated that people who are higher in mental toughness experience less stress and less symptoms of depression. This means that when problems arise those who are mentally tough can cope better and not let stress take over their lives.

In addition to greater mental wellbeing, mental toughness involves a positive mindset and a ‘can do’ attitude. This mindset makes people less afraid to pursue their goals because they are confident in their ability to overcome any challenges they may face.

From a workplace perspective mentally tough individuals have better attendance, contribute to a positive culture, accept responsibility for their actions and are more likely to volunteer for learning opportunities.

So how mentally tough do you think you are?

To find out more about your levels of mental toughness and why its important, contact The Positivity Institute or Dr Suzy Green to complete the MTQ48 – a mental toughness questionnaire